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Build your list with annoying pop-ups.

Mar 19, 2022 | Workplace, Marketing

This article will take about three minutes to read.

Use these helpful tips to grow your list when using pop-ups.

  • First, be thankful.
  • Offer value.
  • Be honest.
  • Time it right.
  • Make exiting easy.
  • Bonus! Stay focused.

Pop-ups, also known as modal windows, have a reputation for being annoying. They appear out of nowhere on websites, cover up the web page below them, and generally ask for information visitors aren’t fond of giving.

When done well, pop-up forms work.

They help site owners build their contact list (and therefore grow their audience and revenue) while giving visitors something useful too.

Want to know how to find that balance, where you and your visitors win, without anyone getting annoyed? Read on.

If you have pop-up forms on your website or are considering adding them, to follow are helpful tips to help you strike the right balance — so you can grow your list and win new customers.

First, be thankful.

Start the pop-up message by letting visitors know you appreciate them. Use short phrases that align with your brand. Maybe it’s: “we appreciate you stopping by” or “we’re stoked you’re hanging out with us”. Say it with the tone and personality that aligns to your brand.

Offer value.

This one’s important. Offer visitors something they will perceive as truly valuable. Remember it’s an exchange – they’re giving you their information to get something in return. The easier it is to understand and the higher the perceived value, the easier the exchange.

Tip: Need help figuring out your offer? Ask some of your existing audience what would be valuable and helpful to them.

Be honest.

Be clear about what they’re getting – now and later. In this age, consumers expect the worst – to get spammed and their information sold. If you don’t do that, put them at ease and let them know how you’ll use the information they give you.

Time it right.

If your offer can be used immediately, like a coupon, launch the pop-up around 10 seconds into the visit. If not, analyze how long visitors usually stay on the page and launch the pop-up halfway through their visit or when they’re exiting the page, known as “exit intent”.

Make exiting easy.

Not everyone will sign up or stay signed up, and that’s okay!. To decrease annoyance (while building brand credibility), make it easy to close the pop-up now (especially on mobile screens) and easy to unsubscribe later.

Bonus! Stay focused.

If your offer requires multiple steps to complete, is hard to understand or promises contingent benefits, visitors are far more likely to pass on, and be annoyed by, your pop-up and offer.

Putting these tips into effect will grow your list and win new customers by adding value — instead of annoying them.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to read about website pop-ups for building your prospect list.

If this all sounds good but you’re not sure how to make it happen or don’t have time, contact us. We’re here to help you get the most out of marketing technology, like pop-ups.

Schedule a call to put us to work on your website and pop-ups.

If you’re rocking the pop-ups, but know someone who isn’t, we heart referrals. : )

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